Top 4 Bookkeeping Software For Small Businesses

The pros and cons for small business owners like you.

Jameson Steward
5 min readNov 30, 2021
A woman sitting at a computer desk counting money.
Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko from Pexels

Bookkeeping is one of those non-negotiable aspects of running a successful business.

Now, hiring an accountant when you’re still starting can be a little heavy on your growing revenue. This is why most small business owners prefer to handle their bookkeeping function themselves.

Ready to get your books in order with little or no stress?

In this article, we’ve x-rayed four of the best small business accounting and bookkeeping software in the market for you. Let’s get to it.

What Are The Top Accounting Software For Small Businesses?

We’ve listed and compared four bookkeeping software you could get started with right now as a small business owner.

A table comparing the top four accounting softwares.

#1. QuickBooks

Undoubtedly the most popular of them all, Quickbooks is a cloud-based bookkeeping and accounting software uniquely tailored to fit the needs of small businesses and large businesses alike, depending on your chosen plan.

